Cómo se dice comprometerse

Silvia Barrionuevo 2 respuestas
Comprometerse con algo o con alguien
{0} / {1} caracteres recomendados
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Derek Newton
Hola Silvia, Para la mayoría de los casos diría "commit to someone/something". Te dejo unos ejemplos: 1. Silvia is very committed to her learning. 2. I don't want to commit to a 12-month subscription, so I'll use the free 30-day trial first to see if I like it. 3. Laura doesn't think she'll ever get married. She doesn't like the idea of committing herself to one person for the rest of her life. En el sentido de comprometerse para casarse, en inglés se dice "get engaged". 1. Lucy and Dan got engaged yesterday, but they haven't set a date for the wedding yet.
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Beth Bauer
To be commited to anyone or someone same thing with to b engaged to somebody, anyone or someone
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