Perfil de Tanya Chambers

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Sobre mi

It was during my last semester of graduate studies at the University At Buffalo that I decided to travel to Asia. I private tutored in Seoul, South Korea, then moved on to China, where I taught English for almost six years. In China, I taught basic school students English to adult Business English. I taught IELTS and TEFL to high school and college students who were desirous of studying abroad. M...
It was during my last semester of graduate studies at the University At Buffalo that I decided to travel to Asia. I private tutored in Seoul, South Korea, then moved on to China, where I taught English for almost six years. In China, I taught basic school students English to adult Business English. I taught IELTS and TEFL to high school and college students who were desirous of studying abroad. My experience as an English teacher also includes: teaching conversational English, Beginners (A1) and Elementary (A2), Intermediate (B1) and Upper-Intermediate (B2) Advanced (C1) and Proficiency English (C2) and Business English. I'm currently teaching Business English.
Teaching English in China was never a challenge, because I had loved it. I am dedicated, reliable, dependable, fun and very patient with my students.
I am available for online one on one, or group classes.
The teaching content will be discussed with the student or guardian based on what the student is interested in.
My teaching methodology is based on my observation of the student's learning style. Not all students learn the same, as a result, my classes will be structured to fit the learning style of the student. However, for many cases, it will be teacher-centered, learner-centered, or content-centered ... depending on what we're focusing on. And in every class interactions and participation are expected.
If you have any questions we can discuss them in our introductory class, which you will get free the first 30 minutes.
Looking forward to seeing you.
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1 valoraciones
Tanya D
Abril de 2020
Chambers es una excelente maestra con grandes habilidades de comunicación. Ella se preocupa por sus estudiantes y hace todo lo posible para asegurar su éxito. ¡La recomiendo encarecidamente!
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