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Rebeca en pocas palabras
Professional with more than 18 years of experience in the Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and with knowledge in the use of virtual platforms, remote teaching, flipped-learning methodology and Web 2.0. Classes are very dinamic, students feel confident with the teaching-learning process from the very begining. The practise of all abilities in the target language is taken into account...
Professional with more than 18 years of experience in the Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and with knowledge in the use of virtual platforms, remote teaching, flipped-learning methodology and Web 2.0. Classes are very dinamic, students feel confident with the teaching-learning process from the very begining. The practise of all abilities in the target language is taken into account as priority, also the development of oral expression by applying flipped-learning strategy. Students simply fall in love with the process, feel happy and satisfied with the inmediate results in mastering the language at their level and the fact of how ICT plays a remarkable role in this regard. The students are delighted when it comes to practicing structures with games through apps. The methodology goes along with ESA principles. Content is designed in such a way that the students are faced not only with the language, but also with the culture of origin. Appealing topics are presented to engage students and keep them engaged though out the teaching- learning process. Very interesting videos and video worksheets are available to enhance productive abilities, namely, Writing and Speaking. The objective of my English courses goes beyond that of learning, it is so as to train students for international certification according to the UK National Qualifications Framework. This latest enable students to apply for more academic studies and profitable jobs, taking into account that currently, more companies require their employers to master English since it is considered to be the universal language, tha language of communication around the world.

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