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Hello I'm a freelance young teacher. I have taught children,teenagers and adults during two years. The methodology that I use is based on develop listening, writing, speaking and reading skills, using studying materials for each one according to the student's level, in consequence the classes are designed taking in consideration the needs of each student,regarding to the content I use to teach ba...
Hello I'm a freelance young teacher. I have taught children,teenagers and adults during two years. The methodology that I use is based on develop listening, writing, speaking and reading skills, using studying materials for each one according to the student's level, in consequence the classes are designed taking in consideration the needs of each student,regarding to the content I use to teach basic and intermediate English including conversation.

Hola soy una profesora joven de inglés con 2 años de experiencia enseñando a niños,adolescentes y adultos. La metodología que uso esta basada en desarrollar la compresión lectora, producción escrita, habilidades auditivas y orales. Cada clase es diseñada de manera personalizada segun las necesidades de cada alumno.
En cuanto al contenido suelo enseñar inglés basico e intermedio, incluyendo actividades conversacionales.
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