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4 valoraciones
$ 12/h
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$ 12/h
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Localidad Quito, Mejía
Clases de Español
4 valoraciones
verified Datos verificados time más de 5 años dando clase Tasa de respuesta <strong>100%</strong> Tasa de respuesta 100%
Los alumnos de Gina opinan: Los alumnos de Gina opinan:
Gina is a spectacular tutor for Spanish. She is professional, understanding, and courteous with her approach. I truly enjoyed how she curated the curriculum for both my skill level and needs, which m...
Gina is a spectacular tutor for Spanish. She is professional, understanding, and courteous with her approach. I truly e...
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$ 12/h
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Especialista en enseñanza de español y literatura

Descripción del anuncio
Magister en Literatura en Español por la Universidad de St. Jhon´s en New York City. Especialista en enseñanza de español y escritura académica. Experiencia de más de veinte años enseñando como docente. Posseo certificados como profesora bilingue por el estado de New York. Por el hecho de haber vivido 20 años en países diferentes posseo amplio conocimiento y cultura general que uso al impartir mis clases. Hablo español, inglés y portugués. Estoy preparada para ayudarlos en sus necesidades linguisticas y gramaticales de mi idioma nativo el español. Horario disponible para enseñar a distancia o presencial, me ajusto a las necesidades del estudiante.
4 valoraciones de alumnos y ex-alumnos de Gina
Matt y otras 3 personas recomiendan a Gina
Profesora Gina is my first Spanish teacher so without a doubt, she'd the best! She has helped to custom tailor lessons to my pace and understanding while remaining very patient with my busy schedule. I look forward to gaining a conversational understanding of Spanish moving forward.
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Robert Monin
I asked Gina to tell me about her country during my week-long stay in Quito (8/23). In addition to being a Spanish teacher, Gina had the ability to introduce me to the reality of her country, socially, politically, historically, and economically. She had initiative and surprised me every day with her knowledge and always gave an answer to my questions . If you are looking for a professional and motivated person able to share her experience and expertise, Gina is the person you are looking for. I highly recommend her. In addition, she speaks English and Portuguese. Robert Monin
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Matthew Negron
Gina is a spectacular tutor for Spanish. She is professional, understanding, and courteous with her approach. I truly enjoyed how she curated the curriculum for both my skill level and needs, which made the information practical. Thankfully, Gina is very understanding and was flexible with my changing schedule due to work. If you can work with Gina, I promise you will not regret it. I worked for Gina for three months and look forward to working with her going forward.
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